Aims and scope

Journal of Essential Oil & Plant Composition (JEOPC) is a peer-reviewed international journal invites original research, review and short reports on the plant essential oils and metabolites in the areas of agriculture, chemistry, pharmacology, food science and biotechnology. The journal focuses on the industrial application of essential oils and metabolites in the agrochemical, pharmaceutical, perfumery, food, flavor industries and associate value added products related to these areas. The ethnopharmacological applications of essential oils and Biotechnological approaches for the enhancement of essential oil production are also encouraged.  Manuscripts dealing with in silico approaches of essential oils and metabolic components with new findings on the drug discovery research are also welcomed.


The overall aim of the JEOPC is to publish high quality articles to the scientific forum on all topics related to essential oils, flavors, fragrances, and other plant metabolites for academic and industrial audiences. The JEOPC provides value to readers, scientists and entrepreneurs.


The journal operates a double-blind peer review policy. Every article will be freely and indefinitely accessible online. Articles are published as soon as possible after acceptance and in 3 issues of a volume per year.


Journal of Essential Oil & Plant Composition main areas of focus includes:


·       Analytical methods

·       Aromatherapy of essential oils

·       Biofuels

·       Biological and pharmacological activities

·       Biotechnology

·       Chemical composition

·       Chemosystematics

·       Commercial interest and export possibilities.

·       Elemental and proximate composition

·       Encapsulation

·       Extraction techniques

·       In silico and bioinformatics

·       Isolation and synthesis of essential oils and metabolites

·       Plant biochemistry/biosynthesis

·       Sensory and chemometric analysis

·       Shelf-life, safety and quality assessment

·       Spectroscopic method of identification (e.g. GC-MS, LC-MS/MS, QTOF)

·       Toxicity and toxicology

·       Vitamins, amino and fatty acids, sugars and other metabolic composition

·       Nutritional and non-nutritional composition. 


Prof. Dr. Radosław Kowalski

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